Wow, last time I wrote something is already a month ago. But time flies. Especially in real life again. There have been some really cool and exciting moments in the last weeks but also a lot of grown up stuff.
It’s crazy how quickly you are drawn into real life problems. It again shows crystal clear why the trail life is so fantastic. You don’t have anything to take care of besides yourself, water, food, navigation and maybe the weather forecast. But with everything you “put into your backpack” you create responsibilities and dependencies. That’s why it’s so great to have a light pack…
But let’s start from the beginning. Our “baby” was officially born four weeks ago and we are currently working on the go-live. It’s amazing how much energy can be released by such a fantastic project. We are basically on non-stop and working every day. We have never talked about who is doing what but everyone just does what is required, what has priority and what he can do best. Just naturally. No bullshit, no long discussions what we call “Abstimmung” in German or whatsoever. It’s taking a lot of energy and time but it’s such an incredible feeling. We are also receiving a lot of positive feedback, first partners who want to cooperate with us (event though we don’t even have a working product yet) and we are learning new things every day. If you are interested stay tuned on
But also the worldly problems bring fun with them. Finding a place to stay is developing in a bigger hassle than I thought. But as the Kiwis would say: “She’ll br right, bro!”. It’ll work out somehow. I have also accpeted (I guess) that I will stay in Mainz for now and for a while. That’s a big one after two years of nomad life. But this also gave me the opportunity to work on some cool fun things. My new desk. This is where history will be written on from now on 😎
When I was at the garage the other day I was haunted again by my own mantras. Selective perception? Fate? I know what some people would say… 😉
I also had a great weekend in Switzerland with a “PCT-Preparation-Camp”. I was in touch with some of my followers from Switzerland regarding some gear questions. And out of the discussion the idea arose to have a little preparation camp – not completely un-selfish from my perspective of course since it was another chance to get back into the mountains… 😊 Originally we had the intention to also camp in the mountains to test some of the gear but when we saw that the weather forecast predicted -18C we pulled the safety trigger and decided to day-hikes with indoor Swiss-Fondue. Not really a bad alternative. It’s hard to express how much fun it was. For one to be out again in the woods but also to look into these excited faces who sitll have the entire journey ahead of them. Knowing what they will go through during the next month was really cool. I felt a bit like when I met the SoBo at the very beginning of my hike in New Zealand when she looked at me jeallously telling me she wished she was where I was at that point of time. She had already hiked 2.900km and was completly irritated when I congratulated her to this amazing achievement. But she just said “you don’t understand…”. And I was jeallous knowing that they will be hiking for five month now on this epic trail and I won’t… Of course I couldn’t resist to do a couple of my favourite pack-shake-downs taking all the unnecessary items out of their packs. Happy trails my #hikertrash!
+++ Hike2Happiness on stage again +++
And there is one more thing… 😂 Jule has invited me to her famous Frühstückssalon in Wiesbaden to give a little speach about “Hike2Happiness”. I feel so honoured to talk about the last two years on this cool platform. Thank you Jule for having me and also for your incredible introduction… 😊
Manch einer läuft einfach los, um sich selbst zu finden. Und ruft publicityträchtig „Ich bin dann mal weg“ hinterher. Andere haben eine klare Vision, wenn sie sich auf den Weg machen. Und wieder andere beschleicht das Gefühl, dass „da draußen“ irgendeine Erkenntnis auf sie wartet. Sie wissen nur noch nicht so ganz genau, welche. Und genau so ist Florian Astor vor zweieinhalb Jahren gestartet:
Aus dem vollen Schwung einer glänzenden Karriere bei der Deutschen Lufthansa AG hat er einfach alles aufgekündigt: Job, Wohnung und sämtliche Annehmlichkeiten der Zivilisation. Mit leichtem Gepäck ist er losmarschiert und nicht weniger als 8.000km über den Globus zu Fuß gelaufen. Seine Eindrücke hat er für Freunde und Familie in seinem Blog „Do What Make Good“ festgehalten. Und das blieb nicht ohne Folgen.
Inzwischen ist Florian zurückgekehrt, doch noch lange nicht in seinem alten Leben wieder angekommen. Er floatet durch die Republik als Speaker, Impulsgeber für Menschen, die nach ihrem „WHY“ suchen. Er ist Mutmacher, Anzünder und Abenteurer. Wir sind super stolz, diesen tollen „Jules Verne der Neuzeit“ bei uns im Frühstückssalon begrüßen zu dürfen. Also: Meldet Euch an, die Stühle sind bestimmt rasch besetzt.
When: 16. March at 07:30am (yes, that’s early – but there will be breakfast!)
Where: Frühstückssalon in the Heimathafen, Wiesbaden Germany
How: Book your ticket here.
Looking forward to see you in Wiesbaden. Do What Make Good! 🤘
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