My first book - Do What Make Good - Der Anfang von 8500 km Glück
A dreams has come true. After two years with many night shifts, research,…
HRP 8: Valle d’Arrious to Refuge Wallon - day of the high passes
What a day. And what a night. Again I had to chase a horse away from my tent in…
Listen to the radio! I will be guest in the famous "SWR1 Leute" radio show on 21. July
Still can't really believe this is happening! I was invited as a guest to the…
The next tour is coming! Mountains here I come again...
I just realised that it has already been half a year since I wrote the last…
Do What Make Good Calendar 2019
It has been quite a while since my last post. But life has been very busy the…
Re-socialise VI: Already on year ago to the day I returned from my "break"...
One year ago to the day It's unbelievable! But it has already been a year since…
TMB 5 - Tour de Mont Blanc. Kaylee wants to do the whole things. Les Houches we are coming...
We woke up early. It was noticeably cold this morning. According to the weather…
TMB 4 - Tour de Mont Blanc. The most scenic point on the trail and a camp-spot right on the Swiss-French border...
The day started with an easy stroll down the valley. We enjoyed the fresh…
TMB 3 - Tour de Mont Blanc. The never ending high-route alternate, good coffee, thunderstorms, Switzerland and a fellow PCT hiker...
We did get a late start this morning. We snoozed the alarm a few times and only…
TMB 2 - Tour de Mont Blanc. Italia, up and down, an unintentional participation in a trail running race and being "ab-so-lu-tely shattered" at night!
The night was amazing. Clear and cold and with this amazing feeling of…