HRP - Pyrenean Haut Route Gear List

Background I have hiked the Tour de Mont Blanc (TMB) in 2018 after having done…

HRP 1: Mainz via Hendaye to Col d’Inzola

  As always I was running behind schedule a bit with my preparation.…

The next tour is coming! Mountains here I come again...

I just realised that it has already been half a year since I wrote the last…

TMB - Tour de Mont Blanc Gear List

Background I hiked the Tour de Mont Blanc (TMB) in 2018 after having done the…

TMB 5 - Tour de Mont Blanc. Kaylee wants to do the whole things. Les Houches we are coming...

We woke up early. It was noticeably cold this morning. According to the weather…

Tour De Mont Blanc

2018: Tour De Mont Blanc (TMB).160km+ and roughly 25.000m of elevation change.…