Do What Make Good Calendar 2019
It has been quite a while since my last post. But life has been very busy the…
8.500km zu Fuß - Hike to Happiness. An evening in pictures...
On Thursday it was time again to spread the message of "Do What Make Good".…
campo is live! Our startup has entered the market...
The last month have been crazy. Fabian, Matze and I have worked uncountable…
Featured content on MightyGoods - I was invited to share some of my packing-insights of my long-distance-hiking experience for their latest story.
MightyGoods is a great page which tries to help hikers and adventurers to find…
hike2happiness @Frühstückssalon
What a morning… 😳 Started for me at 5.45am - I think the last time I got up…
100.000 visitors on Do What Make Good!
Unbelievable…?! Since the relaunch and new branding Do What Make Good has…
2 years of travel in 1 minute and 49 seconds.
Many of you have followed the last 2 years of my journey. Many of you have read…