We woke up and everything was wet. The first time in weeks that we had fog. Not the nicest way to start the day.


The wind was strong and cold as well so we thought this will be a rough day. And then this – it first looked like a big forest fire…

And then I realised that it was the sunrise and I was in a cloud. Let the pictures speek…




It is hard to describe but the winds were probably about 40 miles on the ridge and swirled up the clouds which in combination with the sunrise created an amzing light-flow.

More impressions from today. I am so tired that I constantly fall asleep while typing 🙈. 29 miles again today…



During second breakfast I had the entire time the feeling I was being watched – I found out why…

Two big climbes today – but also the last ones for Oregon. Many more lakes:

And rasberries!!! Free viramins on the trail. I hope the bears don’t mind 😉

Mt. Jefferson from many perspectives simce that’s all we did for today – circlying around it.

Once we dropped over the ridge we got
the first view of our next target – Mt Hood. Another beauty.

Trail life: my leg is not really getting better. Definitely needed cooling today. Good that there is free stuff everywhere…