It all started out like a normal town day. Chores like shopping, gear replacement, eating, coffee, running around in town, changing from a hotel to a campsite because everything was booked out and the other annoying stuff…
It’s still funny though that we are always looking forward to get to a town somehow but once we are in it you can’t wait to get out again.
Well, my legs were getting worse and worse. I couldn’t do any step without pain anymore. Looking up options in Mammoth showed a specialised orthopedic center in town. I ignored it for over three weeks niw just putting another coat of paint over every time by eating Ibuprofen. I don’t like doctors and hospitals. Not outside of their job though. But I rather ignore symptoms then knowing for sure and nit being able to neglect them anymore. I was afraid of getting a diagnosis like severe shinsplint or a stress fracture which would put me off trail for at least 4-6 weeks. It’s easier to not know and continue by telling yourself it’s only a muscular issuey But I guess itnwas time to face the truth…
So I went to the hospital in the morning and was lucky to be squeezed in. Playing the PCT card helped again. After a lot of paper work, insurance issues Inwas asked to come for a vital check. I am down to 156 pounds! I don’t think I have ever been that low 😳
Then x-rays to see… When Tim, a doctor of probably my age came to see me I was really concerned and worried. What would I do for six weeks if I had to go off trail? Where would I go? Would I be able to finish before the snow hits the Cascades? The whole film was playing. And then the good news – it’s only an inflamation of the tissue connecting the muscle to the bone. No stressfracture. Yet. He did some stretching tests and just looked at me. “You lnow what you should do, right?” I said: “Like resting and not walking I guess?”. He just laughed. “You know it. But I also know what it means to getnoff trail. So if you take inflammatories, massage and cool it and I show you how to tape it you can try. It’s up to yo then if you can deal with it. It will not get better and the pain will also not be less.” What? I didn’t expect thar much understanding from someone who is supossed to get me off trail and make me rest. 😳 They showed me how to tape my feet for arch support and my muscles wit KT tape to support it. I guess that my orthotics which melted away did more than I thought. And all the other ones I tried didn’t really do the job. The last ones I was really happy with didn’t help. They just adjusted to my foot too much instead of stabilising. Comfy but not helpful.
Well, the two showed me how to tape my feet, gave me tape for the next day and wished me good luck.
I can’t say how glad I was. A fracture would have been impossible to justify tonget back on. Now I knownit’s just about the pain level and how to balance it. She’ll be right, brew! 😎🤘🏼
Next stop a sports store which also does customised orthotics. The next version of Superfeet in a different version. I just hope it helps…
Anyways. Back on the trail. We decided to take most possible rest and not hike but just pitch the tent at the campground next to Red’s Meadow. A mistake. It’s full of day and JMT hikers celebrating. There is going to be limited to none sleep. Can’t wait to get back in the mountains! Just after John Muir I guess…
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What kind of customized orthotics did they recommend?
The Footloose store in Mammoth gave me semi-customised Superfeed insoles. Proper orthotics like I used to have them before try melted take about two weeks. Just not possible while I am on the trail…