Shitty night! Why? My sleeping pad had a slow leak! So I went down on the ground every couple of hours and had to inflate it again. Not helpful for a good and deep sleep 😝 Well, I guess after almost 2 thru-hikes it’s fair to have the first hole…
Good point. Most of the gear is slowly breaking down:
1. Sleeping pad
2. Trekking poles with various parts. But the amazing Leki customer service sent the required spare parts within a few days to the most remote spots on the trail. No questions asked, no charge – great service!
3. Camera: Battery slot broken. Stabilizer broken. Lense has issues.
4. Backpack getting more and more holes
5. Underwear, gloves, shorts, socks again and gaiters are deteriorating
6. Shoes with first holes again but still good
7. Dry bag of sleeping bag ripped
8. Sunglasses – nose bridge broke
9. Suunto watch with continious malfunction (the customer service here is a catastrophy by the way…)
Good thing is that at least I could fix the sleeping pad and the sunglasses tonight. Good that there are lakes everywhere so you can submerge the sleeping pad and find a hole…
I guess the next stop will also include a visit at the gear store again 😂 This trail is eating equipment…
The rest of the day is told quickly. I guess we are getting used to the beautiful surroundings and it just became normal. Mountains, meadows, waterfalls and all that for breakfast.
Probably the last major and scary river crossing – Bear Creek. And again an example of how cool the hiker community is:
Even though we just crossed it right were the normal crossing is. We were kind of curious to see how it was. Yes, a deeper part with a decent current but especially going through it with two not too bad. Bear Creek:
First a drop and a little pass then a steep drop and another 3000ft climb up and over Silver Pass. And guess who we ran into on the way up… “The Old Man” aka Martyn!

He had flipped back from Ashland south to Northern California and had tackled the Sierras from the north. Great meeting you again Old Man and hope we can do some hiking together in Washington! Happy Trails, man!
More beauty on the way up.
And the same pattern again. Clouds forming, thunder and rain in the afternoon. We were a bit behind schedule and not over the pass yet. One of my absolute favorite quotes ever comes from the Huber brothers from Germany – the famous climbers. They were once asked by an English speaking reporter what they do if the weather gets bad. Their reply (now you have to imagine this with the thickest German accent of course): “If de wädder geds bäd wi djust dörn ab se bauer!” which translated means “If the westher gets bad we just turn up the power!”. And that’s what we did! We djust dörned ab se bauer! 🤘🏼
Over the pass and into camp life. Again, 20 miles and set camp before 5.30! Very proud. We had enough time to enjoy the sunset, organise our stuff and just relax.

Next to my gear break downs also my muscle / tissue problem is back. In the left leg for the last three days and today it started in the right one as well. I guess I am getting old… 😂
Kaylee was so nice to give me a painful massage with Bengay creme to press out any fluid in that area which apparently is supposed to help…
Buenas noches!
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Google Maps from #91 PCT Pinchot Pass, over #92 PCT Mather’s Pass, over #93 PCT John Muir Pass (unknown by google), over #94 PCT Evolution Creek, to #95 PCT Silver Pass,+California,+USA/Evolution+Creek,+Fresno+County,+California,+USA/Selden+Pass,+Fresno+County,+CA,+United+States/Silver+Pass,+Fresno+County,+CA,+United+States/@37.1565164,-119.0797324,9.5z/data=!4m32!4m31!1m5!1m1!1s0x80bfcec2d8032fcb:0x22e681151b9eed90!2m2!1d-118.4127971!2d36.9365132!1m5!1m1!1s0x80bfcd34d80b1609:0xef6a612d145f706c!2m2!1d-118.460102!2d37.0319249!1m5!1m1!1s0x80958c042f313d0d:0xf76939ead0d7ada7!2m2!1d-118.7817503!2d37.1945526!1m5!1m1!1s0x8095ed901618206d:0x3cb50850a3c3528!2m2!1d-118.8723387!2d37.2896615!1m5!1m1!1s0x8095e38e9a2e6daf:0xdf385463bee7fba1!2m2!1d-118.9231784!2d37.467716!3e2?hl=en
“Dörned ab se bauer!” Hilarious!