Day one after the 50 mile hike was mellow. Food, rest and chores. Interestingly enough my legs felt very good this morning. No pain, not even sore. I was honestly surprised and had expected at least a bit of pain here and there… But even better!
Only thing I had to take care of were my two blisters. Needle, lighter to desinfect it and pop… 😉
The dinner at the steak house developed into an unexpected surprise. After we had finished our meal we were dragged into the local Wednesday night square dance event. After watching for a few minutes we were encouraged to join. We even got some one on one lesson from the local experts. It was a great fun even though I was afraid the entire time to injure myself or someone else with my uncoordinated moves… 😂

Next morning was time to make a decision – either hiking out or waiting for the rest of the family… But Sophia & Yoni were moving slower then expected and Drew & Kayla were also at least another three days out. I know, pulling a 50 mile day did not really help to catch up 🙈. After a long and uncomfortable morning I decided to hike out. It would have been at least three more full days in town without a lot to do. A tough one but I can’t sit in town for three more days. I will take it easy on the next six days to Kennedy Meadows and hope for the other ones to close the gap…
So Oneday and I did some more shopping, sent a foodbox into the Sierras and caught a ride back to the trailhead – when we went out of the motel Dalton was waiting in the parking lot. He picked me up on the way to the bakery yesterday already, then drove us to the supermarket and post office earlier today and now for the third time… He took off entire May and shuttles hikers around every day. We were #57 & #58 today 😳. Thanks Dalton and the rest of the trail angels!!!!
Back on the trail we started again where also Reese Witherspoon started in the movie “Wild” – can you tell?
Since we only got back on the trail at 6pm we justed wanted to go a few miles in. But the wind picked up so massively that we had gust of around 50 miles/h. A tough climb in these conditions. But again a beautiful sunset in the Mojave Desert!
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