After a night below freezing we slowly started this morning defrosting. But what can I say – it took us 3h to go 4 miles. At 11 o’clock we only had 8 miles done. Why? It was so beautiful we stopped every five minutes for photos. It was incredibly beautiful. I was already about to give up Oregon with mainly trees, no views and mosquitoes. Highlights so far in this order:
1. Crater Lake,
2. Ashland,
3. Bend.
But circling around the three volcanos “The Three Sisters” was stunning. Again – it’s the mountains. Let the photos speak…

Just beautiful. Harsh volcanos, life in between and endless views. Happy hiker with Mt. Washington, Three Finger Jack & Mt. Jefferson (l. t. r.) in the background (Thanks to Green Flash for sorting out the mountains!)

The second part of the day was tough though. Crossing the lava fields for hours was tyring and hard on the new shoes as well 🙈
But we got closer to Mt. Washington which was quite a sight!
And guess what. We arrived at the Big Lake Youth Camp and who had managed to walk 0.4 miles in 8h? Out lazy hiker friends Kayla & Drew 😂 Therefore reunited again!
Unfortunately we had to hitch hike out to Sisters to buy some more food. When we got there even Subway was closed so we just went to the supermarket and ate in bed – sandwich, chicken fingers, popcorn, Doritos & cheese, ice cream, blueberries, milk, soda and guess what: Sweet As beer!!! A toast to all my Kiwis. Cheers, brews! 🤘🏼
Well, until we passed out because of exhaustment after a few minutes. 30 mile day was noticable on the body.
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17. July 2017
PCT #81, 1950mi: Getting to Bend!!!
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Really enjoying your blog. Especially since you have been in my “backyard” the past few days. You guys are killing it on the miles!
Just so that you will have a good record at the end, your 4th and 5th pic are of Mt. Washington (L) and Three Finger Jack (R). Your 7th pic is of those two and Mt. Jefferson on the right.
I hope the wild flowers are out when you get to Jefferson Park. A truly magical place – provided it isn’t covered with snow.
Best of luck!
Hey! Thank you so much – especially for getting the mountains right! I am sitting on the ridge between Mt Jefferson & Mt Hood and was just wondering if we had really seen Mt Hood from way back there. So thanks for confirming that we hadn’t!
This stretch has been so epic. We woke up in the clouds this morning in an incredible sunrise. Probably some of the best pictures of the PCT so far 😉
Thanks again for the help and stay tuned! Cheers, Flo