The next tour is coming! Mountains here I come again...
I just realised that it has already been half a year since I wrote the last…
Re-socialise VI: Already on year ago to the day I returned from my "break"...
One year ago to the day It's unbelievable! But it has already been a year since…
The mountains are calling and I must go - preperation has started...
The day has come. After some very work-intensive and hard month preparing our…
Walensee Switzerland - an escape into winder-wonderland…
A few impressions from my last escape into the mountains. And whoever says it’s…
PCT #130, 2476mi: Racing the fire, blueberry-vortex & camping on the only peak of PCT.
The fires along the remaining part of the trial made us leave…
PCT Side Trip: Climbing Mt. Rainier (14,410ft / 4,392m)
We just made it on time. Arrived at 1.30 in Ashford. That gave us 1.5h for a…
PCT #90, 2144mi: Arriving in Cascade Locks. Oregon ✔️and exactly 1000 miles left to Canada...
Important milestone today! The last day of Oregon. We walked 455 miles from…
PCT #84, 1999mi: Oregon, you are back in the game!
After a night below freezing we slowly started this morning defrosting. But…