To all readers, followers, newbies, hiker-trash and all others – wishing all of you a Happy New Year 2018!
May it be filled with many hours and days in the outdoors and unlimited moments of pure bliss and happiness. Make sure to escape the craziness of the every-day-life and find some time and space for yourself.
My 2018 could have not started any better. I went on a little hike with a former PCT-veteran in the famous German Black Forest. Icy conditions, waist deep slushy snow, rain and gusts up to 70km/h during the night couldn’t stop us from where we wanted to be: OUTSIDE! More in a detailed blog post the next days when my frozen fingers can type again… 😂

+++ Your special treat for 2018 +++ Win your personal calendar +++
As a special treat and to make your start into 2018 even better I do have a little surprise for you – your chance for a Do What Make Good limited edition calendar of 2018. I picked some of my favourite shots from the last two years and they made it into a wall calendar for 2018.

What do you have to do?
1. If you have not subscribed to the newsletter, do it! By this you won’t miss any updates and articles anymore (no worries, you won’t receive any other mails besides updates on blog posts!)
2. Post into the comments of this blog post a) why YOU should have one of the three calendars and b) where you will hang it.
Be creative. Exaggerate. Be funny. Be honest.
3. Do this until 23.59 on Sunday, 07. January 2018.
My jury (Pengu, my current hosts Betty & Jan) and I will pick the winners by best argument and placement.
Happy New Year again and keep on rocking! 🤘
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I would hang the calendar on the wall of my office so that i could gaze longingly at these beautiful nature scenes and for a few minutes “escape” from the normal hectic day-to-day routine of meetings/invoices/emails/etc. The calendar would be a constant reminder that there is life beyond my office walls and that summer (and another season of section hiking the PCT) will be coming soon….
Ich würde ihn direkt neben die Haustür hängen (ein Ort, an dem ich ständig vorbeilaufe). Dort wäre er zum einen eine Inspiration, was alles möglich wäre, wenn ich nicht so lauf-faul wäre, zum anderen hätte ich dann immer ein ganz besonderes Lied im Kopf und würde den ganzen Tag schmunzeln 😅
Hey come on my little german sausage send one to your old english man. If not I’ll show you exactly where you can put it!!
Martyn 🙂
A) I really really want to have one of these wonderful calendars from my cousin because I love the way you capture a special moment in your pictures. They look so awesome and realistic so that I can imagine to be there myself. It gives me this little heart-throb because I might never be able to do this once-in-a-lifetime trip but I can see a part of it through your eyes. And when we have guests I can tell them your great story with your pictures.
B) That is a real problem because I haven’t got a place yet… the walls are either full or your calendar would not get the attention it deserves. That is why I have to win this so I can test all day long where it belongs. At the moment I can imagine to hang it in our bedroom… so I can look at it and dream of the wide world and fanastic animals like Pengu 😉
The best thing would be you bring the calender yourself to our little home :p. Though you might loose some more of your beardhairs because of Klara’s strong little fingers, you will see Simon again and how big he has grown.
Hmpf, hätt ich vorher den deutschsprachigen Kommentar gesehen, hätt ich meinen Mann nicht zum Korrekturlesen meines “perfekten” Englisch nötigen müssen.. sondern hätte einfach auch in deutsch geantwortet. Der hat nun mindestens 3 graue Haare mehr ^^
Ich hätte auch gern einen und das Christkind hat keinen gebracht 😩
Und wo der aufgehängt wird is doch schnuppe, der sieht bestimmt überall großartig aus 😜
I would like to have this fantastic collectors item because I still dream of doing a “Florian” and because I would expect it to be delivered by the CEO of DWMG in person WITH a GT. I would hang it on my office wall next to my Manneken Pis boy wearing his J-day bunny ears.
Before you’ve left to start your two years journey I showed my wanderlust pics to you from Australia and New Zealand. Now it’s your turn – show me what you’ve experienced and I would be happy to be reminded by your beautiful calendar every day in my kitchen… 🙂
P.S.: I have to admit that I’ve already saved some of your stunning pics on my computer during the last two years… 😉
Hi Florian, one of the most famous DWMG 2018 calenders should go to Vienna (because it‘s closer to the mountains), we will place it in the kitchen (because I do love your trail food stories, besides the „awesome“ – quote my daughter – pictures ) at the wall above the COFFEE machine (because…ah, no explaination needed) and it’s five us looking at it…T,M,Co, our fat cat Frodo and Joe…check your messenger for a picture of him, he is our really cheesy wild card here….🐧 Cheers Corinna
As per your request – here the details for each month:
January: Laurie Island, South Orkney Islands
February: Mt. Rainier – Snoqualmie National Park, Washington USA
March: San Gorgonio Wilderness, California USA
April: Cocora Valley, Colombia
May: Saunders Islands, Falkland Islands
June: Kearsarge Pass – Sierra Nevada, California USA
July: John Muir Pass – Sierra Nevada, California USA
August: Maui, Hawaii USA
September: Mammoth Lakes – Sierra Nevada, California USA
Oktober: West Coast Trail on Vancouver Island, B.C. Canada
November: Lake Garibaldi, B.C. Canada
December: Okanogan National Park – North Cascades, Washington USA