After having my licence I am now allowed to go. But to do the real cool stuff I had to get my “mountain check-out”. So I decided to do a fun tour with Sergi to get the official stamp. And I also took my first real passenger – my VBB house mate Arno. He was shit-scared and that for a good reason ?
Not much to say – the pictures tell the story. The flight plan shows:
Boundary Bay, mid-field crossing over Vancouver Int’l Airport, flight over downtown Vancouver, up north over Horseshoe Bay and Howe Sound, a quick landing in Squamish, overfly of Garibaldi Lake and a close look on the Black Tusk, passing Whistler and Pemberton, down Lillooet Lake and Harrison Lake before we did another quick stop in Chilliwack. Tried to land at the Sandpiper Golf Course but had to pull up again because there were some stupid golfers on the runway and so we continued over the Golden Ears Mountain and Pitt Lake back home. Around 250 nautical miles (460km) and almost 4h trip. For that trip only all the effort has been worth it…

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