First target today was Glen Pass with 12,000ft. Well, we are back in the mountains. It’s so pretty!
It was not really a long and steep climb but it took us longer than expected – we both felt the altitude. Coming from 77ft at Cascade Locks doesn’t really help. And yesterday we went straight from 4,000ft in Bishop up to almost 12,000ft within 3 hours – definitely not enough time to acclamatise. But we made it.
One thing that has changed in this hike is the pre-warning time for certain needs. Don’t ask me why but it’s often less than a minute. And so I was caught on Glen Pass with not many options. But at least made the best out of it and had a great view… 😂
From 12,000 we had to drop all the way back down to 8,500ft.
Today was also wildlife day. Starting out with many of my friends:
And many marmots all over the mountains.
we also saw deer and very likely a bob-cat. It was definitely a small cat which ran away from us – but not enough time to identify or capture it. Wow! The first cat!
It’s epic. I can’t say more. It is way less snow than I expected. But still enough to make it pretty…
We had to cross many streams, creeks and lakes today. The deepest almost hip deep others lower but stronger. All in all great fun and also the shoes are clean again 😉
After we had dropped 3,500ft we had to climb exactly the same amount up again to get over our second pass today – Pinchot Pass. We both felt the altitude. Slight headache and a lot of deep and fast breezing. Nothing to worry about but it didn’t make it easier.
At the end of the day the clock said 20 miles and more than 10,000ft in elevation change. Big day!

I think we brought so much food that we will not have to resupply for a long time. We definitely overdid it this time. What were we thinking????
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Google Maps #90 PCT and #91 PCT:,+California,+USA/Glen+Pass,+Fresno+County,+CA,+United+States/Pinchot+Pass,+Fresno+County,+CA,+United+States/@36.7971956,-118.2163862,10z/data=!4m11!4m10!1m2!1m1!1s0x80bfc19c7376e487:0x56fb4963071f5781!1m2!1m1!1s0x80bfc3ea6813debf:0xa03e62cd9e76e678!1m2!1m1!1s0x80bfcec2d8032fcb:0x22e681151b9eed90!3e2?hl=en-DE