It just contiued. Beautiful views in the mountains. Since we took it easy yesterday we wanted to make up for it today: 30+ miles!

I started with a soaked tent though. That’s what you get for camping close to the water. But what can you do…?

It was mainly downhill today. So we followed one of the ridge lines in the mountains all day long traversing from west to east. Rocky, a lot of water amd beautiful.


Between the loops around the peaks we found ourselves in many little meadows. Since the snow had only disappeared recently all the spring flowers are still out.


Rocky terrain and snow capped Trinity Alpes in the back.

We all hiked our own hike today. We agree on the first water spot to fill up, then the lunch spot and from there the camp spot. Since we didn’t encounter snow yet and we knew from the few southbounders we met that there are no sketchy parts for a little while a good tactic since everybody can go his pace. We still put in 20 miles by 12 o’clock! 😎🤘🏼

The afternoon was slower than I hoped for and the group decision was to stop at 29.5 miles which I arrived at around 5pm – still plenty of good hiking time left. Well, that’s what you get for group traveling… 😏

Camp, dinner, food hanging and early bed time way befor hiker’s midnight.