After a full rest day in Idyllwild which I used to stuff as much food into me as I possibly could and to do some writing we also neede to prepare for the next stretch – almost 90mi and a side trip to Mt. Jacinto with 10,834ft (3.300m) the highest mountain in Southern California.

The plan was to leave early at 6.30h to give us enough time for the summit and the technical part down on the other side over Fuller’s Ridge. We were all excited about the whole part since there have been various stories about how steep it was. I decided not to take any winter gear as crampons or micro-spikes as the reports said that there was still snow up there but it should be ok without winter gear. We made good progress at the beginning also passing Lily Rock.
The hike was beautiful. Finally back in real mountains with rocks and roots on the trail which went up through a typical pine forest.
And we finally reached the mountains with clear water running down the slopes – no more filtering of the water for me!
Soon we reached the first snow patches. It was a surreal picture with all the green, blue sky, warm temperatures and then the snow. Some parts were a bit tricky but nothing to really worry about.
It took us longer than excpected but also because we had a lot of little breaks. The view from above was incredible. The photo doesn’t really transport it but the contrast between the snow capped peak and the desert around the entire mointain was incredible.
We relaxed and also had a little nap – as usual…
The way down was more slippery and also a bit harder to navigate. Since the trail was mostly not visible anymore due to the snow it took as a while to get down.
As you can see there was quite a bit of snow still left.

When we got back on the PCT trail it was too late to comtinue on the difficult part of the ridge. I would have liked to get it out of
the way or at least to get closer to the ridge to check it out but I was overruled by the group who was tired. Well, that’s what you get from democracy 😂😂😂
Well, I couldn’t hide it. I was a bit dissapointed that we didn’t make it over the ridge in one day as we had planned and now still don’t have a clue how the ridge looks like. I waned to at least continue tomthe ridge and camp there to check it out and to know what to expect tomorrow. But that’s part of traveling in a group and since we decided to cross the ridge together we will also do so – tomorrow.
Most annoying part though was that I – even being aware of me being annoyed by the situation – couldn’t stop being annoyed by it 😝. Time to grow up! Tomorrow is a new day and as always “She’ll be right!”
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