After more grown-up things in the morning we left for the trail again. Kaylee’s cousin Ray who hosted us was very keen on supporting and hiking with us. So he came down to the trailhead and wanted to hike a few miles in with us, camp and then back out in the morning. I still had to do one mile to connect my footsteps from the highway to the parking lot. Therefore they dropped me off and I quickly ran to the lot to meet them.
And off we went! 😎🤘🏼
The plan was to go to Aloha 🌺 Lake. So we made our way around Echo Lake and up to the next plateau.
We talked a lot and enjoyed the walk out. Aloha Lake is a highlight! It looks like one of the high lakes in the Sierras. We enjoyed the sunset, had dinner and Ray had even packed out three small bottles of wine. What a service. I like this supported hiking concept 😊
We went to bed way past hiker’s midnight and slept a bit longer today. I needed it. After three days of running and then a night of little sleep and chores I was exhausted.
We took it easy in the morning. Packed up, had breakfast together and said good bye to Ray who went back. I think he enjoyed his trip out with us and it was cool that we got to camp at this beautiful spot together.
And then I had it back – my very familiar view 😊 As if nothing had ever happened…
The first half of the day was nice. We walked around a lot of lakes and over Dick’s Pass.
We talked about the last days and what had happened in the meantime.
The second half of the day: thunderstorms and hail again. We hiked through rain, lighting and hail for three hours before we gave up and pitched our tent. Everything was wet and quite a challenge to get in dry and warm again. New day, new luck.
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