Philipp had asked me a few month ago if I want to be his best man when he and Meltem are getting married this year. What an honour!
Pheily and I have a long friendship which is a very special one. In some areas we couldn’t be further apart in our views and perspectives. But because of this fact and the way we have always accepted and especially appreciated this circumstance that we have this different views we had some of the most inspiring and thought triggering conversations. We have never tried to convince one or another oath the other ones point but have carefully listened and reflected about the others opinion. This has been inspiring for years. We have also shared great trips as the climb on Kilimanjaro and almost all BAW (Bubenabenteuerwochenenden). Thanks for this great friendship and this very special honour!
I tried to fool Pheily when I told him two weeks before the wedding (after I had booked my flight) that I wouldn’t make it to the wedding. Behind the scenes I organised the trip with his sister Luci – my partner in crime ?.
When Pheily and Meltem came around the corner and spotted me in the location in Offenbach he only shook his head… I had the feeling he was very happy but only a bit surprised to see me. First thing he said: “I know you are crazy and I had a feeling you would show up!” Of course I would!
Congratulations to my bearded brother and this beautiful couple for finally getting married ? Thank you again for this great honour!