Leaving a bit later today since most of todays stretch was downhill and this usually goes faster than uphill 😉
But then we hit a few snow patches on the northern slopes of the mountains we were circling around. So again kicking steps in slush was slowing us down and tiring. Some are still struggling a lot with snow. Their feeling for snow has still not developed so they are very careful with every step – which in general is good and wise but of course takes a lot of time. So we only got 5 miles in at 11 o’clock… The frustration was there – on all sides. For the ones that had to wait as well as for the ones who felt rushed. But we didn’t let that influence our relevant decision making process, luckily. We said we stay together no matter what until we get through then snow. That’s what we agreed on beforehand. Getting to town today was out of reach anyway so no matter to rush it. The whole setup almost made me forget about the scenery and where and why I was here…
But then I zoomed out again and looked at it from a broader perspective. I couldn’t be in a better place at the moment. Out in the mountains and nature. Hiking, my life in a backpack and only the sky (or the next cliff 😂) is the limit. No reason what so ever to let this frustration ruin my day…
Since the snow had only melted a few days ago spring was just taking over. New life everywhere! Also something I knew already but which just reconfirmed itself – spring is definitely my favourite time of year. Everything begins to grow and life again. Days are getting longer, mornings are still cool but the sun warms you during the day. In the mountains the snow melts and water sources all life close to it. I don’t know – but everything is filled with positive energy, drive and beauty… #incrediblespring
The way down was tiring. 20 more miles and the terrain was getting less spectacular since we dropped into burned areas and scrubby forest. The trail hadn’t been maintained in a while so it was quite a bit of bush whacking. Almost felt like being back on the Te Araroa 😂
But even here a few perls were making it pleasurable! Next to blackberries growing along the trail flowers everywhere!