The alarm went off at 4.30am. Forecast was in the very high 90’s F and the hike was almost without shade the entire day. 24 miles to Burney Mountain Guest Ranch. We decided to try to get there as early as possible but if it got to hot to just wait out the heat of the day in the shade and continue later. Well, we got back on the rim and had 12 miles in before 10am.
After a little break at mile 14 we got back out in the sun and it was as if somebody had turned on a blow dryer on full heat. And it it was only shy of 12 o’clock… I had one liter of water left and the heat was extremely draining. Almost 7 miles to the next water. I just wanted to get out of the heat so I started speed hiking. Made it to the creek in 1:45h to then get eaten by mosquitoes while I waited for the others. I was quite dehydrated but couldn’t drink any water since I had lend my filter to Sophia & Yoni who were still behind… Idiot! The mosquitoes were insane. And unfortunately they go right through my shirt. But putting on a down jacket as protection in this heat was also no option. So I waited for probably 20 minutes and donated my share of thick High Sierra blood to these beasts…
The last three more miles – after probably 4 liters of water – were done quickly. Passed a recreation area with lakes and a good trail.
And wow – Burney Mountain Guest Ranch is a fantastic place. Different to the hiker retreats before. A very personal, cleaned, chilled and great place. We were welcomed with home made ice cream, a convenient store which works based on the honor system (you keep track yourself of what you consume and pay at the end), a POOL!!! and much more. First mission was a quick shower and then off into the pool… I picked out some nice loner-cloth after the swim and started the Euchre competition after dinner. Tomorrow will be a definite 0-day to chill more in the pool… Rock on!
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22. April 2017