I woke up around 6 and it was raining. No network reception or only so little that I couldn’t go online to check the weather forecast. I decided to stay inside the tent and wait a little bit and it fortunately stopped at around 9. Quick breakfast and off I went the first 6km on the street up Long Hilly Track and continued on Ports Water Race – an old mining track.
I made my way through severe jungle but the track was pleasant and mostly well prepared – not considering the uncountable number of trees that blocked the trail and needed some good improvisation skills on some of the steep parts.
But all good. I made it half way on the track to Martins Hut after 7h which would have been another 4h hike. I decided to pitch my tent in the jungle and rather have a short day tomorrow. Not easy to find a camping spot in the jungle… ?
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der Manager auf Abenteuersuche im Unterholz 😉 – cool deine Berichterstattung hier zu lesen!
Google Maps of today:
what he is up to:
from Colac Bay
to Martins Hut: