Unbelievable but true – exactly one year ago I left home in one of the front seats of an my former employers A380 on my way to hike the length of New Zealand. I had no clue what this journey would do with and to me… A summary of that will follow in bit. That’s at least how it looks like:
And what can I say. Even the people that I order coffee at can see it. I am in the “flow” 😎
For now just a short update from my Christmas celebration on Hawaii. Bri and I explored the Waimea Canyon. This is such a spectacular place. A few views from the Nu’alolo Trail. It starts from the ridge and goes all the way out on one of the fingers of the Na Pali Coast.
One of the only set priorities for this Christmas was – spending it in a tent. My new castle and comfort zone after the Te Araroa. And even though I pitched it on a beach in Hawaii, I found the biggest hill to place it on #ilovemountains
The Polihale Beach is the western mostly beach in Kaua’i. Even though it’s a popular spot you barely see other people because it is a very long stretch. We had two fantastic days with beautiful weather, sensational views, sunrises and sunsets, spotted big schools of dolphins and humpback whales. I don’t know if Christmas could have been better…

I hope you all spent a wonderful Christmas as well. My new look gives a lot of new opportunities. I know you have probably seen it in the first picture already but just because it is so cool – Merry Christmas 🎅
Enjoy the holiday season and make sure you get enough vitamins in! I did my preparation for the next days already 😉 Take care and I will be back in a bit with more news and updates…
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