Only a short story today because I am ab-so-lute-ly shattered!
Got up this morning from my secret camp spot to make it to the shop at 8am.
Luckily the shop was open already and after a quick coffee, 4 croissants and a few supplies I was on the first climb to the Col de Coume d’Agnel (2470m).
Making my way down again to the Étang de Lanoux.
And the big target came into sight. The highest peak of the eastern Pyrenees – the Pic Carlit with 2.921m. Supposed to have a very steep scree climb for the last 400-500m. My type of playground 😎.
I had the only break of today (I just realised) for 30 minutes of “food-shuffling”.
The climb was as expected steep and impressive. But definitely one of the most beautiful if not the most beautiful one of the entire trip!
Funny thing I had noticed already may times during the last weeks. Since not all of my hair is long enough already to fit into the “man-bun” there are usually two strands of hair falling out again and then they flatter in the wind giving me the devil look… 😈
And then on the top. Really great mountain. Since it is so exposed and especially overlooks the much lower part of the eastern Pyrenees it feels much higher and prominent than many of the other peaks in the High Pyrenees.
The valley carved by a long gone glacier:
And then it went steeply down on the other side into the plains and amazing area of lakes.
I have to say that I have seen many lakes by now. But I don’t know if this might not be my favorite one. The only disadvantage is the accessibility of them. Having a proper road and a hotel right at the entrance of the park makes the entire place a bit crowded and full of detergent-smell 🤣.
I hiked a bit further down and pitched my tent at a pretty epic spot.
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