The world famous Pacific Crest Trailside Reader just announced their Top 10 feeds of 2017. And guess what – I have been selected into the Top 10. They have reposted some of my blog posts and photos already while I was on the trail. But now this. What an honour! Thank you so much guys 😊

The blog is an extention to the books published in 2011. As they describe it on their own book description:

The heart of this anthology is these real trail tales, stories taken from PCT hikers: trailside humor and traditions, “trail angels” and “trail magic,” encounters with wildlife and wild weather, stories of being lost and found, rescues, and unusual incidents. Revealing a larger context are historical accounts of events such as Moses Schallenberger’s winter on Donner Pass and pioneer efforts like the old Naches Road that ended up creating access to today’s trails […]


And this is how it looks. Check it out. They also compiled a lot of other great stories and pictures about the PCT life. Check it out: Pacific Crest Trailslide Top 10 in 2017

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Thank you Rees, Corey, Howard & Amy for this honour! Happy trails.

Sweet as, brew! Let me know when there's new stuff online!