My first book - Do What Make Good - Der Anfang von 8500 km Glück

A dreams has come true. After two years with many night shifts, research,…

HRP 8: Valle d’Arrious to Refuge Wallon - day of the high passes

What a day. And what a night. Again I had to chase a horse away from my tent in…

Listen to the radio! I will be guest in the famous "SWR1 Leute" radio show on 21. July

Still can't really believe this is happening! I was invited as a guest to the…

The next tour is coming! Mountains here I come again...

I just realised that it has already been half a year since I wrote the last…

Do What Make Good Calendar 2019

It has been quite a while since my last post. But life has been very busy the…

Re-socialise VI: Already on year ago to the day I returned from my "break"...

One year ago to the day It's unbelievable! But it has already been a year since…

TMB 5 - Tour de Mont Blanc. Kaylee wants to do the whole things. Les Houches we are coming...

We woke up early. It was noticeably cold this morning. According to the weather…